Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why I love my freezer...

I am constantly talking about how much I enjoy my meal plan. I have only been meal planning for a few months so the excitement of it is still new to me (and my life lacks some serious excitement!). So, what happens when you don't feel like eating what is on the meal plan? Or, in the case of this evening, you get a terrible headache and cooking is the last thing you want to do. Fast food is not really an option around here (besides being expensive, it just isn't good when you are used to having homemade food every night). So, I went to the freezer. The last time we had BBQ sandwiches I took the left over meat and put them into individual portions and froze them. I still had some buns in the fridge so after a few minutes in the microwave, we had BBQ sandwiches. Remember the All You Kraft coupons? Well, I bought mac and cheese for just such occasions as tonight. (Hubby makes the best boxed mac and cheese. Seriously, it's his claim to kitchen fame.) I sliced up a cumcumber and dinner was served. No money on fast food and dinner was ready quicker than it would have taken me to drive to Mickey D's. Not to mention healthier. I didn't go by the menu plan but with a little stockpiling it all worked out!

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