Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Task complete...

After reading the's Menu Plan Monday posts for the past two evenings, my 30 day dinner plan is finished! Thirty meals with no repeats is A LOT! (I don't know how Rachael Ray wrote the 365 -no repeats book. Aye, yi, yi!) OK I shouldn't say no repeats because we are having pizza 3 times, but I'm still pleased with the plan. Actually I am feeling VERY ORGANIZED today. I printed a blank calendar and (in pencil) I wrote in all my dinners, important school dates (progress reports, school pics, P/T conferences), when my step-daughter will be here, any evenings that I have to work (few and far between, but I am getting into my busier time of year at work), etc. Now I can glance at the day and know what it will hold instead of digging for the 5 million notes to realize that I already missed something because I remembered the date wrong. I only did this for September, as to not get overwhelmed, but I am already finding it helpful. I showed it, and explained it, to hubby. I'm hoping we can all be on the same track this month. Is there something easy you do to help keep your family more organized? Please share!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Wow! Awesome job! I have trouble with 2 weeks!! lol!